A P2P e-commerce ecosystem for the modern global cybercitizen

The purpose of Marketry...

is to build an online marketplace/digital ecosystem that enables economic opportunity for the global community. Based on trust and faith in God, we can use this platform to conduct and carry out activities to enable the attainment of a wholesome life with the fulfillment of our occupational skills. Meant primarily for the digital age, for transacting with cryptocurrencies, with our best interests in mind.

For who: anyone and everyone with good intentions and commitment to integrity.

For what: almost anything, as long as it's legal and in good taste(family-level).

How to take part: sign up for personal and/or business account, connect or load wallet, load items/gigs, take part and transact, repeat.

Anyone can open a shop...all it takes is applying, staking collateral(for sellers/liquidity providers for dispute resolution/profit), and uploading images/descriptions of goods/gigs. All transactions would be governed by smart contracts that act as escrow and release funds at the approval of a pre-approved third-party moderator under agreement of buyer and seller. Reputation is simply positive or negative; and applied by moderators. The basic assumption is that bad actors are off or suspended from the platform if they misbehave; thereby leaving only good actors.

Integrity is upheld by moderators to ensure family-level goods/gigs are offered.

Buyers must stake an amount of collateral to offer their goods/gigs, and they may only accept orders up until the amount staked; this collateral serves as leverage so sellers fulfill their part of the deal, otherwise the buyer receives the collateral relative to their payment. If a seller is unable to stake collateral, there would be third-party liquidity providers that may stake collateral on their behalf in exchange for a percentage of each sale for the life of the staking(after conducting their own due diligence), or until they agree to dissolve their partnership.

Some of the goods permitted to be offered on the platform include real estate, clothing, jewelry, art, electronics, replacement parts, appliances, used goods, plants, tools, kitchen utensils, commodities, bulk goods, and more. Firearms, drugs, adult-natured goods/gigs, or other illegal/illicit goods are not permitted and will result in their seizure and/or forfeiture and/or suspension of seller from platform.

Moderated by the community; for the people, by the people.

Based on freedom and faith in God.


Contact to get more information on the project